From My Series: 30 In Thirty — Vol 1 Short Stories
I have to go back up by the house and check around. Stuff was buried up there. Good things. Valuable things. Soul things. I know that there whole albums of family photographs. One photograph I’m curious about is of my Grand Uncle as a boy shaking hands with #MarcusGarvey. I believe it is signed. I heard that there were some grips packed with my grandfather’s many commentaries on the Bible. Yeah, he was a Bible man, an old style Tumpa. I believe there is also the gold-rimmed glasses of Grand Ma that she word before she got sick. Half of the house sticks out of the mud that came down in the landslide. I feel that if I could just get back there I’d know by some psychic West Indian Voodoo just where to dig.
Actor: Cyrus Farmer Writer: Oswald Phills Music by Navid Lancaster