CoVid-19 brings UX to Healthcare

Anthony Phills
4 min readApr 3, 2020
CoVid-19 Information is delivered real-time to users around the world

Yes, it’s coming. Just like Covid-19 showed up last year in China; UX design has been showing up on the outskirts of Healthcare for the past few years. For example, the Apple watch has started to give you a quick read on your heart rate, or checks your heart rhythm with the ECG app. There are now tele-hospital services which allows users to interact with doctors.

Healthcare is already looking for UX/UI designers to bring their knowledge from online retail world experiences to disrupt the healthcare space with new and innovative customer journeys. I will be taking my experience in hospitality e.g: Hilton Worldwide’s Honors app and my knowledge of analytics and dashboards used in the app Scheduling Genie for children with special needs (Autism) to see how I can make a difference in the patients’ journey.

The industry is realizing that they have to change because their users are expecting a better experience. Since Amazon can make it simple why can’t my Healthcare company do the same?

Let’s take a look at a patient’s journey

  1. You have a symptom
  2. Research the symptom — You go to Dr. Google it.
  3. Now, you pull up your health plan to see if it’s covered
  4. Go see the doctor… maybe.



Anthony Phills

Author, Designer, Public Speaker and A.I.: Business Strategies and Applications Certified — Http://